Swallow Nest with Fresh Lotus Seed Sweet Soup

by Golden Nest Inc

Ingredients :

  • Lotus seeds 
  • Sugar
  • A little bit of cream
  • Pre-prepared Golden Nest

Instructions :

  1. Boil some water
  2. After the water is boiling, add in the rinsed lotus seeds to the pot
  3. Cook for about 40 minutes until it’s tender
  4. Use an immersion blender to blend the seeds until it’s completely smooth like a paste.
  5. Add in some sugar and then blend a little longer. 
  6. Once it’s almost done, add a little bit of cream to give it a smoother taste, blend evenly.
  7. Put the pot back on the stove and reheat for 5 minutes.
  8. The texture should be super smooth, then you can serve it in a bowl.
  9. Fill ⅔ of a bowl and then put the cooked Premium White Bird's Nest in a separate small glass
  10. Mix the Bird’s Nest into the bowl evenly once you are ready to serve.

Notes :

  • How much sugar depends on how sweet you like it