The Dos and Don’ts of Raw Swallow Bird’s Nest Storage & Consumption

by Golden Nest Inc
Storage tips for your raw bird's nest.

Raw swallow bird's nests are an Asian culinary delicacy which has continued for hundreds of years. Edible bird's nests are a great addition to any diet due to its numerous health benefits. Golden Nest's raw bird nest products are a prime example of this.

Golden Nest’s raw bird nest products have multiple nutrition and health advantages which explain our large return customer base. In order to fully enjoy the taste of our raw swallow bird nest products, storage and consumption details must be considered. If the storage and consumption specifications are not followed, there is a risk of the nests becoming compromised of its taste and appearance.

Swallow bird nest storage and consumption must be handled in the proper manner. A raw swallow bird's nest has to be stored and consumed according to the correct protocol so that we are able to enjoy all of the health benefits that they have to offer. That's why we put together this guide: to help identify the major tips to maximize your experience from our raw swallow bird nest products.

In order to receive guidance on best practices to make raw bird's nest most enjoyable, please be sure to read on and learn more.

Understanding Raw Swallow Bird's Nest

In the Chinese community, these nests are known as a delicacy. In fact, they are often referred to as the caviar of the East. They were initially utilized in a therapeutic manner in Chinese culture before crossing over to the rest of the world. These nests are produced by the swiftlet, which are small birds that are native to the southeast Asia region.

A raw swallow bird's nest is made from the hardened saliva that the swiftlets provide, and the finished product resembles a hammock. Other debris and feathers may be present initially as well. The idea that they are made of twigs and other plant matter is a common misconception. Before they are provided for human consumption, Golden Nest’s bird nest products are cleaned meticulously. Items like grains and feathers are removed during this step of the process.

There are numerous health benefits associated with these nests, as traditional Chinese medicine relies upon them for asthma, tuberculosis and stomach-related issues. In other instances, they are prescribed as a means of libido enhancement or to strengthen the patient's immune function. The nests are also closely associated with maintaining a youthful appearance, energy enhancement and circulation stimulation.

Raw swallow bird's nests can combat illness and assist with bone, skin and brain health and diabetes management. Macronutrients and micronutrients can be found in these nests, with protein and carbohydrate chains that will support all sorts of different bodily functions. Those who seek a high-quality option also have the joy of choosing from a number of different options.


The Dos of Storage and Consumption

As with any other food items that you are planning to consume, proper storage is key. These nests should be placed in an area that is cool, dry, and has access to the necessary ventilation. The timing of storage is equally important- including before opening the raw bird’s nest, after opening, and if you plan to open the raw bird’s nest after one month:

Text: Before opening: Store in cool and dry places

Before opening:
Store in cool and dry places

Text: After opening: Store in the refrigerator

After opening:
Store in the refrigerator

Text: One month after opening: Store in the freezer

One month after:
Store in the freezer


Airtight storage and refrigeration are key. Humidity is a natural enemy of these nests and should be avoided at all costs. By selecting the right container and protecting the nest from light, air, and prolonged exposure, you are ensuring long-term freshness and maximum health benefits.


The Don'ts of Storage and Consumption

After receiving your raw bird’s nest, it’s equally important to avoid improper storage and consumption considerations. When raw bird’s nests are exposed to improper temperatures and excessive humidity, damages will take place that cannot be reversed. This can cause the appearance of the product to be altered. Bacterial growth also becomes far more common when edible bird's nests are exposed to high levels of humidity. Golden Nest’s birds nests are fully organic, so improper handling of these temperatures can negatively impact its taste and appearance.

Light and air exposure can also increase the risk of contaminant exposure, which is another reason why they need to be stored properly- also depending on when you open the raw bird’s nest. In addition to the issues that are posed by contaminants, the shelf life of the bird's nest is shortened significantly if suggested techniques are not followed.


Best Consumption Times

Best consumption times for edible birds nest.

For best results, raw bird’s nests should be consumed on an empty stomach early in the morning. Others may wish to consume edible bird's nests right before bedtime. Once you have fallen asleep, your body is able to absorb the contents of the nest far more easily, since helpful hormones are being released at this time. The nutrients are broken down without incident, allowing us to enjoy the health benefits that these nests have to offer.


Tips for Ensuring Quality and Safety

You should always be purchasing your edible bird's nests from reputable companies like Golden Nest. Reputable sources are crucial in these instances. They prevent you from being exposed to contaminated products that have not been properly inspected, and ensure top-tier cleaning and handling procedures. This ensures authenticity and allows you to avoid exposure to products that are contaminated or are not handled correctly.

Checking for quality indicators is a must before making any final purchasing decisions. In addition to these inspections, the edible bird's nest will need to be looked over before they are consumed. Bacteria, fungi and mites can all make their presence known without it being visible to the eye. 

A nest that is contaminated can often take on a yellowish or red coloration due to the vapors that are present in bird soil. Mold will also become visible in these instances. In order to ensure a proper dining experience, smell and taste tests are required. A raw swallow bird's nest should not have an offensive odor and the taste profile is also a good indicator of its quality. If either of these aspects are questionable, this is a sure sign that the nest should not be consumed.



A raw swallow bird's nest makes for a great addition to any diet, with a wide range of health benefits that are sure to assist a broad range of the population. While they are a healthy dietary addition, that does not mean that they should be improperly consumed or handled and stored without the necessary considerations. As long as all of the previously discussed tips and pointers are followed, all of the usual pitfalls can be avoided with relative ease.

The importance of the proper storage and consumption practices should be followed. Be sure to implement the necessary guidelines for safe and enjoyable consumption of raw swallow bird's nests, so that you are able to maximize all of their potential health and wellness benefits. Golden Nest products allow you to avoid the issues that take place when non-reputable companies are chosen.

Interested in trying our top-tier raw edible bird’s nests? Shop below to view our top-rated products, handled with the utmost quality and care.

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